We understand goods may need to be returned we aim to make this as hassle free as possible. If it is deemed necessary to return an item for exchange or refund, please note the following:
You must notify us via e-mail shop@mathias.org.uk or in writing within 14 days of receiving your goods. Please give your order number and a brief reason for return. Goods must then be returned within 7 days of your notification.
Goods returned must be in original packaging, with labels still attached and in ‘as new’ condition i.e. unused and unmarked
Goods must have accompanying receipt.
Any goods that have been cut or mixed by us are non refundable or exchangeable
Unwanted Goods – Costs incurred in posting the returned item are your responsibility and proof of postage should be obtained. Goods returned simply “unwanted” will be liable for all original carriage costs, which will be deducted from your refund.
Faulty or Damaged Goods – Please inspect your items for damage within 7 days of receiving them. In the unlikely event that the goods we have supplied are damaged or faulty you will not be responsible for the cost of sending returning them. We will agree the best way of returning the goods with yourselves after you have notified us.